… Well, telling the story of the Fiore family in few lines is not an easy task. It all began in Conegliano, where Vittorio was completing his studies in Viticulture and Enology at the Istituto Tecnico Agrario (Agricultural Technical Institute) and at that time he met Adriana (Assjè of Marcorà), the young girl that few years later would become his wife and the mother of the “team” that was to come: Roberto, Jurij and twins Claudio and Alessandro.
Today, my brothers and I, after finished studying and various working experiences to practice in several Vitivinicole realities, are now all involved in the wine business.
The oldest of the four brothers, Roberto – born in 1965 – is in charge of the National and abroad markets for an important Wine Estate with properties in Valtellina and Tuscany. Jurij (1968), on the other hand, in addition to looking after public relations and image of the Estate, is responsible for Podere Poggio Scalette, from vineyard to bottle!
And then there are the Twins (1969) … enough was already said about Alessandro, while Claudio, after having contributed to the rebirth of Castelluccio Estate, an historical Vineyard located in Romagna, from 2000 till the 2020, in 2004 had the opportunity to buy few acres of vineyards in the Modigliana municipalitty and created – together with his wife Veruska – his own Estate: Balìa di Zola. Surely the latest Estate that was born in this wine-growing area, but since the first produced vintages, results certainly are encouraging!